Sunday, 1 September 2013

4 Effective Email Marketing Tips To Remember For Faster Success

That's why you need to take the time to learn the top email marketing tips and apply them so that you see the success you're after from your efforts.
Let's take a closer peak at the top tips that you need to know.
Make It Easy To Subscribe
The very first tip that would seem to be self-explanatory but yet still must be said is that you absolutely must make it easy to subscribe to the newsletter.
Don't try and hide your opt-in box. Study after study shows that it performs best in the top left hand corner of the screen, so go with what has been proven to work.
Make sure users can see it from all pages across your site as well so that there's no challenge to opt-in to your list. That is your number one goal, so you must make it easy.
Send A Welcome Email Right Off The Start
Next, be sure to send a welcome email right off the start to follow up after their sign-up and make them feel the connection with you and your newsletter.
If they deliver their email to you and get nothing in return, they may question whether it even went through. Don't leave them guessing.
Send a friendly welcome so that they automatically start feeling they can trust you.
Create A Very Sought After Freebie
Another tip to remember that will help your email marketing campaign run more smoothly is to create a highly sought after freebie offer. Whether this is a discount of sorts, a free report, or something else, make sure that it is deemed as highly valuable in the eyes of your potential customer.
The more value they place in that freebie, the more total sign-ups you're going to have.
Keep In Contact, But Don't Bombard
Finally, the last of the email marketing tips to know and remember is that you must keep in contact with your readers, but never bombard them.
No one likes spam internet marketers so make sure you stay in their mind, but don't become annoying. Some people will find daily messages a bit too much, while others are okay as long as you aren't sending out a promo email every single day.
You'll need to track your subscribers actions when going about your email process and see what unsubsription rates are like. If they're starting to creep up there, that's a clear sign you need to change something you're doing.
So there you have some fast and highly effective email marketing tips. Are you missing out on any of these?
Be sure to pick up our own free report for even more great tips on how to be successful online.
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